Monday, June 26, 2017

Gregg Jackson uncritically dismisses examples of Howse's lies about James White

Recently I came across a challenge for James White supporters to point out one lie Brannon Howse has told about White.
This individual may not have been aware of the dividing line from June 8th where White reviewed an episode of Worldview Weekend Radio which was broadcast the day before.

A quick review of the Dividing Line produced a list of lies (ranging from inaccurate statements to intentional misrepresentations) about White by Howse.
Some of them were from the text description, others from the audio. It seemed my example of Howse's misrepresentation of the nature of the dialog between White and Yasir Qadhi was insufficient. So I made him a list.

The list contained statements 1) made by Brannon Howse, 2) about James White, 3) which were not true. You would think this met his criteria for an example. But Mr. Jackson seems to retain his right to dismiss anything for no reason.

He then asks for examples of lies from the guests on Howse's show, Shahram Hadian and Usama Dakdok. It just so happens I had a few jotted down.
Will this be sufficient? Some of these statements about things White said are demonstrably false. Misquoting someone you disagree with causes a serious blow to your credibility. No one is saying that Jackson, Howse, or anyone else has to agree with White. We are saying that your disagreement ought to be based on 1) what actually happened (not what you wish had happened) or 2) what White actually said (not what you misquote him as having said).

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